S. Gottierová, M. Mäsiarová, D. Tomečková: 1+1+1+1=1

S. Gottierová, M. Mäsiarová, D. Tomečková: 1+1+1+1=1 

23. – 25. 7. / Apartment in Žilina, Klemensova 16 installation-situation-time

  The world has recently slowed down; can we hold this change? Is it possible to stay in timelessness? We are creating a place. Someone (You) enters and perceives, observes, searches, calms down. He/She remains with this space and this situation. You may ask yourself: “What is going on? Is something going on at all? ” One spectator enters this space with a specific atmosphere for 40 minutes. Concept: Simona Gottierová, Martina Mäsiarová, Dana Tomečková Dialogue: Daniel Grúň