Duo Kyseli Krastafci

SHOW ROBOŠOV - Umelci k lopatám! (Art is work)

60 min.
no language barrier
melodramatická báseň robošov

Stavba predstavenia, predstavenie stavby.
Čo sa stane, keď pošleme umelcov k lopatám?
A čo keby, naopak, roboši začali tvoriť umenie?

Vieme, čo robíme, robíme, čo vieme!

Projektant: Duo Kyseli Krastafci
Stavbyvedúci: Filip Hajduk
Stavebný dozor: Maja Danadová
Roboši: Ondrej Jakubčák, Jakub Horničák, Filip Hajduk
"Iba" technik: Christoff Laurent
Stavebná technika: Bargriel Bagrovič aka Rexo, Dodávka humoru
Ilustrácie: Pali Melcore Červeniak
Stavbu realizuje: KRASTASABAUSTAV
Premiéra: 10. 6. 2023


Na librete sa pracuje.
Na dramaturgii sa pracuje.
Na choreografiách sa pracuje.
Na žonglovaní sa pracuje.
Na nápadoch sa pracuje.
Na koncepte sa pracuje.
Na humore sa pracuje.
Na lešení sa pracuje.
Na bagri sa pracuje.
Na rebríku sa pracuje.
Na byrokracii sa pracuje.
Na šijacom stroji sa pracuje.
Na kostýmoch sa pracuje.
Na návrhoch sa pracuje.
Na úradoch sa pracuje.
Na záhrade sa pracuje.
Na fúriku sa pracuje.
Na cestách sa pracuje.
Na vzdelávaní sa pracuje.
Na potomkoch sa pracuje.
Na školách sa pracuje.
Na stavbe sa pracuje.
Na poli sa pracuje.
Na zdraví sa pracuje.
Na diaľnici sa pracuje.
Na propagácii sa pracuje.
Na fyzických partitúrach sa pracuje.
Na predstavení sa pracuje.
Na scénografii sa pracuje.


The construction of a performance, the performance of a construction.
What happens when we send artists to the shovels?
And what if, on the contrary, the workers start making art?

We know what we're doing, we do what we know!


The libretto is being worked on.
The dramaturgy is being worked on.
The choreography is being worked on.
The juggling is being worked on.
Ideas are being worked on.
The concept is being worked on.
The humor is being worked on.
Scaffolding is being worked on.
The digger is being worked on.
The ladder is being worked on.
The bureaucracy is being worked on.
The sewing machine is being worked on.
The costumes are being worked on.
The designs are being worked on.
The offices are being worked on.
The garden is being worked on.
The wheelbarrow is being worked on.
The roads are being worked on.
Education is being worked on.
Descendants are being worked on.
The schools are being worked on.
Construction is being worked on.
Work is being done in the fields.
Health is being worked on.
Work is being done on the highway.
Promotion is being worked on.
The physical scores are being worked on.
The show is being worked on.
The set design is being worked on.