Film Výstava nahradí prezentácia L. Pulvirentiho„The Exhibition” screening will be replaced by Pulvirenti’s presentation

Správy tohto typu neoznamujeme radi, ale nakoniec sa nám nepodarilo získať práva na premietnutie filmu Výstava (r. Peter Begányi, Andrej Kolenčík), za čo sa všetkým, ktorí sa tešili, ospravedlňujeme.

Ako (adekvátnu) náhradu sme do programu v sobotu o 16.00 zaradili prezentáciu práce vizuálneho umelca Lucu Pulvirentiho Research of surfaces / Skúmanie povrchov. Sympatický Talian viedol v týždni pred festivalom workshop Video Mappingu. Ak vás zaujíma táto relatívne nová projekčná technika, nemali by ste na Lucovej prednáške chýbať.

Luca Pulvirenti je taliansky animátor, filmár, grafický dizajnér, multimediálny a vizuálny umelec. Študoval grafický dizajn na Camberwell College of Art v Londýne a animáciu v Bournemouth. Pôsobil v známom animačnom štúdiu Aardman. Od roku 2005 učí teórii a techniku filmu na Accademia di Belle Arti di Palermo a podieľa sa na veľkom množstve umeleckých projektov. Jeho prácu si môžete pozrieť na

These kind of news we do not like to announce, but finally we could not manage to get the rights for the projection of the movie Výstava (The Exhibition) (d. Peter Begányi, Andrej Kolenčík), for what we apologize to all those who were looking forward for it.

As an adequate gift we included in the program on Saturday at 16.00 the presentation of the work of visual artist Luca Pulvirenti Research of surfaces. Charming Italian was leading a workshop of Video Mapping in a week before the festival has started. If you are interested in this relatively new projection technique, you should not miss Luca's lecture.

Luca Pulvirenti, Italian animator, filmmaker, graphic designer, multimedia and visual artist . He was studying graphic design on Camberwell College of Art in London and animation in Bournemouth. He was working in famous animation studio Aardman. From 2005 he is teaching theory and film technique in Accademia di Belle Arti di Palermo and is participating in a large number of art projects. You can see his work on