Friday, 24 July

FRIDAY, 24 July

10.00 Stanica Žilina-Záriečie, ParkStan Morning forum disscussion / english friendly

  Moderated discussion with the authors of the shows from the previous day. The debates will be led by theatre theoretic, programmer and director  Maja Hriešik and choreographer and dancer Jaro Viňarský. The lights design of the shows will be evaluated by the light designer Tomáš Morávek (Cz), light designer and internee of Light Design Institue Prague Ségolène le Contellec (Fr) and the coordinator of international project European Lighting School Katarína Ďuricová (Sk).  

14.00 - 17.00 Mestská tržnica (City market) OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAFrantišek Kowolowski, Jiří Surůvka: Cheap Art for Bad Times performance / czech and english 

  Socially critical site specific performance of visual artists Jiří Surůvka and František Kowolowski (members of group František Lozinski o.p.s.) investigates the position of art in everyday reality. Artists modified their art works to the level of commonly-available commodity. Thanks to that they succesfully deal with the eternal questions of the meaning of art in society with ironic detachment. What will happen if somebody starts to sell the pieces of respected artists for few euros in an ordinary kiosk of city market ? Is anybody interested in art today at all? Miniatures of original art works, next to consumer goods, served by artists themselves, come with questions related to the art status in the sense of elitist discourse for narrow group of people. At the same time artists encourage the buy of art pieces for a sum identical with a sum for a sack of potatoes in rebell as well as cordial way. Artifacts customized for the market environment can be interpreted also as a metophor for consumer goods which quench the thirst of consume but do they really satisfy us? Personal creation of artists is naturally transformed into potential engaged manifesto during the event....or are we just a part of performers amusement? Come to make your own opinion between the iron constructions of street retailers.  

15.00 – 18.00 Elektrárne DreamsStanislav Dobák, Jamie Lee: Dreams 16.00 and 17.30 live action / no language barrier

  Dreams is an installation of dance, films and photography series based on the stories, images and memories of our dreams. We have been (and still are) recreating some of the peculiar, surreal, and unforgettable successions of images, ideas, emotions and sensations that occur in our minds during sleep. We enter this world every night and yet can never fully explain it. The concept of dreams is very subjective, for dreams are brief, often fragmented, surreal, ... Dreams are full of emotions and vivid experiences that contain themes, figures, objects, beauty, wishes, fears, and memories. Dreams are the voice of our unconscious, where we bodiless walk the thin line between reality and imagination. Just as in a dream, the viewer of this exhibition will not necessarily understand the logic of what happens, but - we hope - will connect to it on a deeper level.



16.00 Stanica, S1 VerzusZuzana Juhásová ExBurianová, Kristína Chmelíková, Maja Danadová: Verzus dance performance / english friendly

  Woman – her shades, her layers, sides which are part of her identity. Material was transformed according to associations of woomanhood forms, animality nad irony. Production of a sound collage related to movement from authentic interviews recording. Symbols, music and stereotypes of woman principle perception. VERZUS is not a simplistic feminist militant manifesto. It is very gentle and incredibly feminine in questions it raises and in answers it interprets. It exposes emotions and openly shares the innermost disappointings as well as joy. “You are not a woman. Even in my soul you dont seem like something feminine. Just when I talk about you, my words give you feminine and my expressions shapes of a woman. Because I have to talk about you with tenderness and loving dream and so the words find a voice for calling you a woman very easy.”  

19.00 Nová synagóga KolektivKolektiv audio-visual performance

  Kolektiv is an open group of artists working in the realm of algorithmic visuals and electronic music who follow in the tradition of live coding, an art form based on the artist writing a code for their performance in real time, creating instruments generating sound or image right in front of the audience. The occasional members of the group are Michal Cáb, GND, Kryštof Pešek, Jáchym Pešek, Jiří Rouš, Georgij Bagdasarov, Sara Pinheiro, Martin Blažíček, Petr Zábrodský, Alexandra Timpau, Jonáš Svatoš, Katarína Gatialová. However, with each performance the group's composition varies featuring between four up to twelve performers.



21.00 Stanica, S1 Zuzana Juhásová ExBurianová, Kristína Chmelíková, Maja Danadová: Verzus dance performance


21.00 Stanica, parkStan krehka-identitaFragile identity – Zuzana Piussi (SR / ČR / 2012 / 70‘) film / english friendly

  In Fragile Identity, Slovak director Zuzana Piussi examines her fellow countrymen’s current notions of nationality. She expresses her concern that Slovak national sentiment is rather fragile and liable to political misuse. The protagonists often reject the leading Czech figures of Czechoslovak history and prefer to look for their roots in the common “pre-national“ past of Great Moravia. Although many of the stories are rather tragicomic, the turbulent developments in the EU have shown that the search for one’s own identity is a sensitive matter not only in Slovakia.



22.30 Stanica, S2 Lovecká sezónaMilan Tomášik: Hunting season contemporary dance / no language barrier

Dance performance in two acts without intermission   Inhale-exhale-freeze-action-reaction are the connective tissues of  the performance The Hunting Season. Seemingly meditative signatures appear throughout the performance in various scenes with escalation, thickening and, above all, release of tension. Each hunting action demands concentration, attention, self-nullification, blending into the environment and listening to internal (bodily) and external impulses. All it takes to quickly release the tension, which triggers a swift act of  catching. Thus, the principle of hunting is being internalized, outwards it serves the »clashing« among the dancers. That by all means gives an insight into the body structure, one’s perception of oneself, others and the group. It leads to a story that exceeds the psychology of an individual, of hunting, and of a group. It is not merely a story about (inter)relationships, about the catch if you like. It is the story about the world and mankind. It is a process showing us images of our insanity, egoism, vulnerability, moments of beauty. Here the performance with individual scenes relaxes and concentrates, it concretizes itself. Welcome home, in the world of tension, relaxation, catch and (non)sense. Also of humour, irony, competition and heartbreaking duets, solos. C’est la vie. Concept, choreography: Milan Tomášik Co-created and performed by: Jan Rozman, Alessandro Sollima, Milan Tomášik, Tina Valentan, Špela Vodeb, Aja Zupanec Music: Vladimír Godár Lighting design: Luka Curk Costumes: Jasna Vastl Outside eye: Suzana Koncut Production: MT, KUD Cortesia Co-production: EN-KNAP (Slovenia), Ljubljana dance theater (Slovenia), NorrlandsOperans (Sweeden),  Stanica Žilina-Záriečie (Slovakia)



23.30 Stanica, bar Seven Minutessevenminutes dj party

  Dj who came out of the alternative environment attracts people of all kinds of age, nationality or sex. He considers good fun only a condition when you are tired to bones because of dance. His speciality is ability to start the dance histery in only seven minutes.