Thursday, 27. 7.

Thursday, 27. 7.

16.00 Nová synagóga [show_more more='George Orwell: The Principles of Newspeak (Princípy Newspeaku) experiential performance' less='menej' color='#000000']

George Orwell: The Principles of Newspeak (Princípy Newspeaku)

experiential performance 60´ in Slovak

Orwell's text The Principles of Newspeak is an extensive footnote of the famous novel 1984. The author uses the form of a "scholarly" scientific lecture to describe the way the official language of the fictional Oceania works – the novel's vision of a totalitarian state of the future. The analysis of the characteristic linguistic methods of the official "newspeak" uncovers the subtlest and least conspicuous means whereby the powers that be remove individuals' political liberties and eventually destroy their human integrity. It formally veers on the borderline between theater, happening, acoustic and visual installation – in an effort to present Orwell's vision and warning in the most concentrated form possible. concept / director: Rastislav Ballek translation: J. Vojtek from the original The Principles of Newspeak light design: Boris Adamčík sound design: Matúš Kobolka scenography: Tomáš Ciller costumes: Katarína Holková foto: Róbert.Tappert perfomers: Robo Roth, Dominika Kavaschová, Matúš Kobolka production: Supra Bohema, o.z. in cooperation with Studio 12 premier: 17. 10. 2016, Štúdio 12, Bratislava [/show_more] 18.00 Stanica, S2 [show_more more='Barbora Látalová, Zden Brungot Svíteková: Different? dance' less='menej' color='#000000']

Barbora Látalová, Zden Brungot Svíteková: Different?

dance 60‘ + 30‘ discussion bilingual en + sk

How to be together with all our differences? Different? is not a duality, neither separation or delimitation. Different? is about plurality of opinions and reactions. It’s about sharing a space. It’s about listening, making decisions and taking actions that together create one whole. Different?  is an evening where the stage and the auditorium meet is one space. The borders are permeable and flexible, they depend only on how and where you set them. A performance that also the audience can dance.  The project has been realised in frame of Be SpectACTive! network and co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union. It will be developed during residencies at PONEC Theatre PragueBakelit Multi Art Center Budapest and Kulturno Drustvo B-51 | Plesni teatr Ljublana. concept | choreography: Barbora Látalová, Zdenka Brungot Svíteková creation: Klára Alexová, Zdenka Brungot Svíteková, Kateřina Dietzová, Eva Hromník, Barbora Látalová, Inga Mikshina, Kim Jun Wan, Daniel Raček sound design: Jelte Van Andel light design: Robert Štěpánek scenography | costumes: Marie Gourdain coaching: Bush Hartshorn production: OSTRUŽINA z.s., Eva Hromník producer: Tanec Praha, z.ú. performers:  cast of the day + Petr Kavúr  (Cz) + cast of local volunteers (cca 10) premiere: 19. 5. 2016, Divadlo Ponec, Praha TEASER [/show_more] 19.30 Nová synagóga [show_more more='George Orwell: The Principles of Newspeak (Princípy Newspeaku) experiential performance' less='menej' color='#000000']

George Orwell: The Principles of Newspeak (Princípy Newspeaku)

experiential performance 60´ in Slovak

Orwell's text The Principles of Newspeak is an extensive footnote of the famous novel 1984. The author uses the form of a "scholarly" scientific lecture to describe the way the official language of the fictional Oceania works – the novel's vision of a totalitarian state of the future. The analysis of the characteristic linguistic methods of the official "newspeak" uncovers the subtlest and least conspicuous means whereby the powers that be remove individuals' political liberties and eventually destroy their human integrity. It formally veers on the borderline between theater, happening, acoustic and visual installation – in an effort to present Orwell's vision and warning in the most concentrated form possible. concept / director: Rastislav Ballek translation: J. Vojtek from the original The Principles of Newspeak light design: Boris Adamčík sound design: Matúš Kobolka scenography: Tomáš Ciller costumes: Katarína Holková foto: Róbert.Tappert perfomers: Robo Roth, Dominika Kavaschová, Matúš Kobolka production: Supra Bohema, o.z. in cooperation with Studio 12 premier: 17. 10. 2016, Štúdio 12, Bratislava [/show_more] 21.00 Elektrárne [show_more more='Peter Gonda and col.: Rilato  realism' less='menej' color='#000000']

Peter Gonda and col.: Rilato

realism 50´ in Slovak

The production was created directly for the Kiosk festival based on an open call addressed to five Slovak creators. How do coordination and confrontation of opinions, searching for a consensus work in a varied group of strangers? How do groups solve problems? The idea is based on the concept of having a group of participants work on the performance format that places real people on stage who then in real time strive to find a solution of a real problem (which they can then immediately apply in practice) or to make a decision or reach a consensus. The emphasis is not on their lives or on what the characters do (because they do not represent any), but rather, in the ideal case, the viewers should witness a social process that operates on human substrate in real time. concept / dirctor: Peter Gonda scenography: Matěj Sýkora production: Barbora Jombíková cooperation: Simona Baková, Ivana Rumanová, Terézia Klasová, Margaréta Fehérová performers: Tibor Blšťák, Damini, Tomáš Hrebeň, Eva Janoušková, Johy, Anton Kováčik, Alex Krámová, Maggie, Róbert Remiáš, Jozef Vrábel premiere: 27. 7. 2017, Kiosk festival, Žilina [/show_more] 22.00 Stanica, S2 [show_more more='Viktor Černický: Parolapolea contemporary dance' less='menej' color='#000000']

Viktor Černický: Parolapolea

contemporary dance 25´ no language barrier

+ Inhabiting the Space: vol.7 The question of surrounding environment and its effect on human actions is a starting point from which the performance takes off. Parolapolea amplifies the visibility of the physical world that drifts every person from immobility towards action. Gravity, inertia, the volume of space, lights and sound - we react to all of those factors in every moment of our daily lives. Being influenced by all these forces and parameters that naturally determine our way of existing, what space is left for human will? Parolapolea is a performance giving space for one dancer, two poles and three dimensions of space. choreography / performance: Viktor Černický stage design: Stanislav Cibulka lighting design: Zuzana Režná coaching: Jaroslav Viňarský original music: Panacik premiere: 16. 3. 2016, Studio Marta, Brno (Czech republic)

[/show_more] 23.00 Stanica, Kontajner [show_more more='Stavros Papadopulos sound installation / concert' less='menej' color='#000000']

Stavros Papadopulos

sound installation / concert 25´ no language barrier

A vocal-sound composition investigating the connection between voice and technology. Spontaneity. Animality. Corporeality. A project by performers Anna Čonková and Erik Pánči. Following the first, shared part, Erik will present his solo project, where.... “I connect minimalist harmonies with functional randomness. I strive to find a direction where existence of a work does not depend on the viewer, but rather where the work can exist even in absence of a human being as a subject whose self-awareness is the substance of our world's reality.“ [/show_more] 23.30 Stanica [show_more more='Poláková, Korec, Šavel, Procházka: Sensory Understanding (Pocitové rozUmenie) site specific dance performance' less='menej' color='#000000']

Poláková, Korec, Šavel, Procházka: Sensory Understanding (Pocitové rozUmenie)

site specific dance performance 40´ no language barrier

A site-specific performance brings its spectators a new experience of contemporary dance in an unusual space of a café. The main focus of the piece is on the maximal use of senses which are a gateway of feeling and understanding, not only the dance, but the world around us and ourselves in it as well. Sensory memory is the starting point. It creates the basis for exploration of the relations among the visual, verbal, and non-verbal aspect of the expression – from mechanics to sensation, from mind to feelings. choreography: Marta Poláková, Yuri Korec, Peter Šavel Direction: Tomáš Procházka concept: Marta Poláková performance: Simona Tonková, Barbora Janáková, Eva Priečková, Lukáš Bobalik, Andrej Štepita live music: Martin Polák, Tibor Feledi costumes: Martina Golianová production: civic associations B in Motion & mimoOs premiere: 5. 10. 2015, Urban House, Bratislava TEASER [/show_more] 00.00 Stanica, Bar [show_more more='DJ Seven Minutes afterparty' less='menej' color='#000000']

DJ Seven Minutes

