The Melancholy of Marissa Cooper

Z. Žabková, N. Timková: The Melancholy of Marissa Cooper

23. 7. (Thursday): 22.00 h., Stanica, Bar párty

  The Melancholy of Marissa Cooper is a collective dj-dance body that is sym-poetically desperately teenage, crying, laughing and screaming out loud. She falls together apart and she is never enough. Marissa let you fall into her, in kinship with other strippers and flirting fairies. Her party is a naive ritual. She smells your pink. She gives you a power. Her skin is a fiction. She is never enough. we are flirting fairies  slithering serpents  we let you fall into us  we smell your pink  we stay down together  we are giving you a power we let you fall into us  we don’t hurry  we just listen  we let you fall into us we are never enough we fuck each others ideas we are giving you a power  we are not set  we are spiralling shadows  we smell your pink  we are intertwining your fingers.  we are emo to extremo we are never enough